Must-Have Evidence-Based Guide to
Recovery, Mental Wellness + Eating Right with a Newborn
Packed with helpful tips from moms who have been there. You will recieve:
must-have evidence-based tips for physical and mental recovery after birth
free exercises (with videos) to heal your pelvic floor-that you can do while holding baby
quick + easy recipes for better energy, sleep + nutrition in that overwhelming new-mom period
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here's just some
of what you get
We created a guide that is easy to read, and full of incredibly useful, evidence-based tips, recipes and workouts, such as:
Tested and approved by new moms and moms-to-be
All programs are evidence-based
Expert-reviewed by pelvic floor specialists
Developed by a kinesiologist/mom
Created by women, for women
For easier birth and faster postpartum recovery

“I love this. Super accessible, the exercises are really clear and I like the attention to safety for prenatal, postnatal and for my kids. Thanks – now I can take better care of myself in the safety of my home.”

“Back to work after mat leave and no time for self- care, but this app is cost-effective and easy to follow. Best part is, I can do it in my living room with little or no equipment, in my PJs if I desire. This coach really knows about the postpartum body and brain. There are different programs depending on the type of birth you had.”

“After the birth of my second child, I downloaded a whole stack of apps to get me back in shape. None of them considered the specific needs of a postpartum body and I could have easily done some serious damage were it not for the Mamatrainer. It is easy to use and provides amazing results!”
download the guide today
Created by moms, for moms like you, during this overwhelming stage.
You’ll be glad you have it.
Copyright 2020 the mamatrainer